Precision Allergy Management ™

Precision Allergy Management ™

Precision medicine is of broad relevance for the management of asthma, rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis in the context of a better selection of treatment responders, risk prediction, and design of disease-modifying strategies. Progress has been made in profiling the type 2 immune response-driven asthma. The endotype driven approach for non-type 2 immune response asthma, rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis is lagging behind. Validation and qualification of biomarkers are needed to facilitate their translation into pathway-specific diagnostic tests. Wide consensus between academia, governmental regulators, and industry for further development and application of precision medicine in management of allergic diseases is of utmost importance. Improved knowledge of disease pathogenesis together with defining validated and qualified biomarkers are key approaches to precision medicine.


Good Allergy Management (GAM) was first developed by World Health Organization (WHO) in 1998

  • Patient education
  • Accurate allergy diagnosis with in vivo and/or in vitro methods
  • Allergen avoidance measure
  • Symptomatic treatment with medicines
  • Allergen immunotherapy to modify the allergic status
  • Preventive measure for avoiding new sensitization and progression from rhinitis to asthma


Treating Allergy

A holistic approach in managing allergic patients and their symptoms was first developed by World Health Organization (WHO) in 1998.  Since then, the advance of medical knowledge in the disease’s mechanisms and publication of various successful clinical trial results on allergy diagnosis and treatment, has expanded the approach to cover the following six actions:


Precision Allergy Management ™ is about how allergy should be dealed with


  1. Combining the information from in vivo and/or in vitro diagnosis and case history, clinician can make an allergy diagnosis for the patient precisely
  2. Disease management plan is tailored made and help doctor to conduct patient education
  3. On a case-by-case basis, a customized disease management plan can be made.  Optimized medications are then given to ameliorate patient’s symptoms when necessary
  4. Actively control the environment/life style of the patient to avoid exposure to relevant allergens
  5. Prescription of Specific Immunotherapy (SIT) may be suitable that involves the administration of high quality allergen extracts to achieve clinical tolerance of those allergens that cause symptoms in patients with allergic conditions.  SIT can be given by means of subcutaneous or through sublingual/prelingual route. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), SIT is the only treatment that treats the cause of allergy instead of just the symptoms.
  6. SIT can take up to 3 or 5 years to modify the immune tolerance of the patient.  During the course of desensitization, SIT modifies the course of allergic disease by reducing the risk of new allergic sensitizations and inhibiting the development of more severe allergy.