Dust Mite Allergy

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The house dust mite allergy (also house dust allergy or just mite allergy) denotes an allergic reaction to the feces of house dust mites. This can also be found in house dust, which is why many consider the dust as a trigger and therefore speak of a house dust allergy. In fact, the small mites are responsible for the allergic reaction. Dust mites are not visible to the naked eye. They are only about 0.1 to 0.5 mm in size. This white-colored mite species feeds on fallen skin flakes, which is why they cannot normally survive outdoors. Your living space is almost exclusively the human living space and there in particular the bed. Here they make themselves comfortable, especially in mattresses and pillows, where there is plenty of dander for their food.

The content on this website is not intended nor recommended as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your own physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any medical questions or conditions.

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The house dust mite allergy is one of the inhalation allergies in which the allergens are spread through the air. The symptoms therefore often concern the respiratory tract, the conjunctiva but also the skin. The following symptoms are characteristic of a house dust allergy:

โ€ข Sneezing
โ€ข Itchy eyes
โ€ข Swollen, watery mucous membrane
โ€ข Itchy ears
โ€ข Sore throat
โ€ข Itching or swelling of the nasal or throat mucosa

The symptoms appear more intensely in the evening and in the morning, as the allergy sufferer is most confronted with the allergen through contact with the bed, pillow and mattress at bedtime.ย  However, the above symptoms can also occur more frequently when cleaning, especially when wiping or vacuuming.

Dust mite allergies are usually diagnosed as cause of asthma, atopic dermatitis or allergic rhinitis by the allergologist, dermatologist and most important pediatricians.

Of course, allergic symptoms would be treated by a suitable pharmaceutical product, such as anti-asthmatics and corticoids, etc. However, when the cause of an allergy is dust mite, it is also important to protect the patient from the continuous contact with dust mites, especially during the sleeping phase. Many clinical trials have demonstrated convincingly the reduction of asthma, atopic dermatitis or allergic rhinitis manifestation, and most importantly the acute attacks by using anti-dust mite covers (Encasings) in the bed to โ€œencaseโ€ dust mites and their excrements.

Avoiding exposure to inhalation allergens early is the most important way to prevent inhalation allergies. Even patients who have already developed dust mite allergy can still benefit from reducing dust mite exposure in their homes.

Encasing for allergy sufferers

Encasing (from the English word ” encase ” – encasing / encapsulating / enclosing / covering) is a special bedding for allergy sufferers . Specifically, this means a mite protection cover, which can be covered over the pillow, the duvet and over the mattress. Such mattress protection or bedding protection is intended to prevent allergy sufferers from dust mites (or more precisely from the dust mite droppings) from coming into contact with the allergy-causing substances. For this purpose, encasing traps the mite droppings in the mattress or bed linen, so that it does not mix with the air and can therefore be inhaled. In addition, encasing prevents skin flakes from falling into the interior of the mattress, so that the arachnids are cut off from their natural food source. Among other things, this reduces their concentration. Encasing is a very effective tool for anyone suffering from mite allergy (also known as house dust mite allergy or just house dust allergy).

What should you watch out for when buying an encasing as an allergy sufferer?

In general, encasing should be permeable to air and water vapor. After all, the bed linen should also have a pleasant feeling and nobody wants to sleep on a plastic bag. Comfort should not be neglected when it comes to mattress protection. After all, it’s about their sleep! In the best case, encasing bed linen should not rustle or only rustle very slightly. Such a rustling can be perceived as disturbing for one or the other. If the encasing rustles anyway, this is usually not a problem, because it should be eliminated with the first wash. Another positive reason to buy is a TรœV certification. The TรœV seal of quality certifies, among other things, a low permeability of the mite allergen Der p1 and Der f1. All other criteria for the TรœV seal from TรœV Nord can be found inThis PDF document. Other quality seals, such as the Oeko-Tex seal, also provide information as to whether encasing has been tested for harmful substances in the materials.

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